Use AI To Power Up Your PLR

Power Up Your PLR with AI
The current content needs of Online Entrepreneurs are already vast, yet they keep expanding as we figure out more and more ways to reach our target audience. This imposes an increased burden on Marketers to constantly churn out additional content, and then tailor it to fit a specific platform or format.

To help with the increased boom in content demands, many people started purchasing ‘Private Label Rights’ (PLR) products. But even that wasn’t enough to satisfy their audience’s thirst for niche knowledge.

And honestly, many of the buyers of PLR wasted their purchases by making common mistakes like using it on their blog as is, or not repurposing it in any way to get more mileage out of it.

When Artificial Intelligence (AI) came along, it presented a new opportunity for content creation. But many marketers have trouble prompting it to generate the right kind of content from scratch, and they lack the innovative brainstorming abilities to know where to begin.

There is now a perfect solution, which serves as a middle ground, where you don’t have to make anything from scratch – you get to use AI to make your PLR purchases more effective, useful, and profitable.

By leveraging AI, you can take your Private Label Rights content and use it in five different ways to optimize your purchases so that they perform better for you, and you get more content, for less money than what the already inexpensive PLR costs you.

Take Advantage of AI-Powered Rewrites for Unique Content

One reason some marketers don’t get any traction with their PLR content is because they simply download it and upload it to their blog as-is. While there is no penalty for doing this, Google and other search engines are not going to show the same exact page over and over again in the results, so it’s harder to rank using content that has not been changed even a little.

Altering the content you purchased is going to improve your search engine optimization efforts and engage your audience better, because they’ll be reading something that they haven’t seen elsewhere from other niche leaders who also purchased the same content.

You can allow AI tools to turn the Private Label Rights pieces you purchase into original works that no one else has. You still get to maintain the original message and ideas within the content, but the wording and structure is 100% unique to your site.

Another thing you can do by having AI do a rewrite for you from start to finish is make sure that the piece aligns with your brand’s style and tone. Sometimes PLR is written to be more generic, lacking a specific personality, so that everyone can tweak it however they want.

When you download PLR and have AI do a rewrite for you, you’re going to save time because you don’t have to do it yourself, and you don’t have to write content from scratch, either.

You can also ask AI, as it does the rewrite, to go ahead and optimize it for search engines, focusing on a specific keyword phrase that you want to rank for. Most PLR is not written with a specific goal to rank for a specific phrase.

When you are working with AI to do a rewrite, you don’t have to just give it a prompt to rewrite it from the very beginning. You can first ask it to analyze the original piece and give you suggestions on how to change it to make it unique and better.

Then, you can give it instructions about how to change the writing style so that it matches your brand, and make any other alterations as it transforms the piece for you. So, for instance, you might prompt AI like this: “Analyze the attached article and give me advice about how to restructure the content and rewrite it in a way that will set it apart from others who purchased the same content”.

After you get some advice, you can prompt it like this: “Generate two different versions of this article for me to choose from where one is a complete restructure and rewrite and the other leaves the structure in place, but rewrites every word of the piece”.

Or you might ask AI to do the following: “Rewrite the attached article so that it’s more personalized for my blog with a motivational slant and try to optimize the content for this keyword: [keyword]”.

By using AI to rewrite your PLR, you are going to have 100% unique content on your site or wherever you choose to use it, making each piece that you purchase worth more than what you paid for it.

You Can Prompt AI to Stretch the PLR for You

The next thing you can use AI for, to help you get more mileage out of your PLR, is to take ordinary content and expand it so that you start with a small piece that you may have paid $1.00 for as a single page article, and you end up with a complete lead magnet, email series, or full information product that you can sell.

You can even take a short blog post that you bought and have AI turn it into a comprehensive pillar-length blog post that is capable of beating the competition in your niche, and ranking in a top spot-on Google.

Many times, you will find that the PLR you purchase is a ‘bare-bones’ summary of a topic. As you are reading through it, you may see places that need to be expanded and explained in more detail.

If you aren’t sure about how to expand a piece into something more, you can have AI analyze the content and give you suggestions about what aspects of that article can be elaborated on or expanded on in depth with more detail.

This could even include adding sections that were not in the original piece, not simply taking something that was already in there and making it longer. It may be something related that enriches the original article so that it is more appealing to your readers.

When you take ordinary content and have AI expand on it, you are making it more competitive by turning it into an authoritative piece of content. This helps set you apart as a thought leader in your niche, and it pulls your reader in for a longer period of time, often getting them to engage in some way such as leaving a comment, sharing a link to the piece, or giving you a backlink on their site.

You can prompt AI like this: “Take the attached blog post and identify additional subtopics that can be included that would make sense in a relevant manner so that I can turn it into a comprehensive pillar blog post”.

Sometimes, it will find that the content you purchased does not have any supporting material that will shore up the opinions that are presented. This might include statistics or data that can serve as research to bolster your claims.

To get more out of your PLR content in terms of length, you might prompt AI like this: “Take the attached blog post and outline a full info product from the same concepts”. This can turn a simple listicle blog post like “10 SEO Tips for Newbies” into an info product you can sell.

Or you might prompt it like this: “I have a short lead magnet (attached) that I want to turn into a 30-day email series. Take the content and divide it up into 30 daily emails with an actionable tip at the end of each one”.

This is going to help retain the interest of your audience, plus take a one-time read and turn it into a captive audience for an entire month.

AI Can Make Your PLR Work for You in Multiple Ways

The next thing you can do to get more from your PLR is to put AI to work for you in different areas of your business. This is a form of repurposing, but not turning it into different media formats.

For example, if you buy a 50-page eBook with 10 chapters where each chapter has 3 sub-sections, you can have AI turn that into a 30-day email series or 30 individual pillar blog posts for you by dividing them up, and rewriting them for publishing.

Or, conversely, if you buy a 30-day email series, you can ask AI to turn it into a lead magnet for you, where the content is compiled into one report and restructured, and rewritten for a unique approach.

Adapting PLR to different purposes within your business means one pack of PLR you buy can be used in a blog, autoresponder, as a lead magnet, on social media, and as a product or bonus.

Again, this gives you more for your money. All you have to do is tell AI which channel of publishing you want to use it for, and it can create it for you from the original PLR you upload.

And the best part is, it can adjust it on the fly to work for each individual platform. You’d prompt AI like this: “Take the attached blog post and turn it into a more casual email for my subscribers”.

Or “Using the attached article, create a series of 10 tip ideas I can share on TikTok. Give me the script and storyboard for teaching each tip in the original article and give me a suggestion for the time and days I should be publishing them”.

AI is going to adjust the tone and style for the audience. This tip of using AI to work for you in different areas of your business is a way to give you more reach online. Plus, you’re maximizing the usage of each piece of PLR you purchase.

It also allows you to publish the same basic message, but in different ways, all at once across multiple platforms. And if you need a Call To Action (CTA) that’s unique for each option, AI can craft those as well.

Have AI Breathe More Life Into Your PLR – A Multimedia Approach

Now let’s look at another way AI can repurpose your PLR, by using it for Multimedia. With this option there are two ways you can prompt AI to help you. The first is by taking an ordinary text-based PLR and asking AI to either suggest or create multimedia pieces that can accompany it.

By adding images, video, or audio to the text, it has a richer presentation and more depth for your audience. It also solves an accessibility issue that many people often ignore on their site.

AI can take the original PLR piece and analyze it to offer suggestions about what kind of media would be a good fit to showcase the ideas, or supplement the lesson in some way.

Even if you only need some images to add to your blog post, it can offer insight about what would be most appropriate and helpful. With tools like DALL-E built into ChatGPT-4, you can even have it help you create them.

Having other media formats is going to help you get more shares of your content, and the images will show up whenever the content is shared on platforms like Facebook, which helps with engagement.

You can prompt AI like this: “Analyze the attached blog post and suggest multimedia options for me to include that I can curate from others or create from scratch that will somehow enrich the post for my readers”.

The next way you can take a Multimedia approach is to ask AI to turn the PLR you purchased as text into a different media format. This gives you the ability to post on platforms where that media is necessary or prevalent, like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest or even a podcast or audiobook.

You can either have AI give you instructions, in detail, about turning it into something else media-wise, or in some cases even use AI tools to create it for you. For example, you can prompt AI like this: “Take the attached PLR article and give me a script and storyboard for a slideshow presentation I can record to put on YouTube. Keep it to 3 minutes maximum”.

Or you might prompt it like this: “Distill the attached lead magnet report into an infographic outline, telling me what text and icons to include as well as the color palette that fits in with the niche topic”.

If you want audio, you can prompt it like this: “I want to turn the attached article into a 20-minute podcast. Give me the show notes, talking points or script and suggestions for audience interaction using the content attached”.

You can have AI suggest quotes to use from PLR for a social quote poster, extracting it directly from the larger piece and helping you generate traffic back to the full-length content, too.

Access a Bigger Audience with AI-Empowered Translations

Some, but not all marketers will also want to use AI to translate material they purchase as PLR into other languages. There are many marketers all around the globe who want to tap into other populations, such as Spanish-speaking, Italian, and various Asian countries.

While you may not know the language yourself, or be able to discuss things with your audience, you can still get your foot in the door of global markets by offering up things like audiobooks or digital content they can consume, thanks to AI’s help.

All you have to do is prompt AI like this: “Turn the attached article into a French language piece and optimize it for search engines”. Or you might ask it to create 3 versions – French, Russian and Arabic.

Whatever language you choose, the tools can do it on your behalf ,and suddenly you’re leading a much larger niche audience! No need to hire a translator or pay for expensive tools when AI can do it for you.

You might even prompt it like this: “Turn the attached English-language article about healthy eating into an article for a Spanish speaking audience and when you translate it, replace any American cultural references with something that resonates better for them.”

Using AI to get more from your private label rights purchases is not just smart. It’s a necessity for marketers who are on a budget, or who are savvy enough to know better than to waste a good opportunity for increased brand exposure and profit potential.

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